from “Like Water for Chocolate” by Laura Esquivel

“And let me tell you something I’ve never told a soul.  My grandmother had a very interesting theory; she said each of us is born with a box of matches inside us but we can’t strike them all by ourselves; just as in the experiment, we need oxygen and a candle to help.  In this case, the oxygen, for example, would come from the breath of the person you love; the candle could be any kind of food, music, caress, word, or sound that engenders the explosion that lights one of the matches.  For a moment we are dazzled by the intense emotion.  A pleasant warmth grows within us, fading slowly as time goes by, until a new explosion comes along to revive it.  Each person has to discover what will set off those explosions in order to live, since the combustion that occurs when one of them is ignited is what nourishes the soul.  That fire, in short, is its food.  If one doesn’t find out in time what will set off these explosions, the box of matches dampens, and not a single match will ever be lighted.  If that happens, the soul flees from the body and goes to wander among the deepest shades, trying in vain to find food to nourish itself, unaware that only the body it left behind, cold and defenseless, is capable of providing that food.”

Published in: Uncategorized on August 12, 2007 at 8:24 am  Comments (10)  

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10 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. *adds that to his “books to read” list*

    Beautiful ya Nerro,you are turning me into a softie 😦

  2. lol, la2 you won’t like the book, it is quite thinks 😀
    The commander is turning into a softie!!! da3 el kawkab

  3. LOL *blushes*

    3aib 3aleeky!!..mat2oleesh kedda,enty waraky commander yakol el steak well done

    and thanks for the heads up ya Nerro,but i am finding it harder and harder to enjoy a book..and i don’t mean just reading a book,i like to be immersed when i read something and since “Pride of Carthage” i haven’t felt that.

    Anyways,it’s always good to see you my Queen 😀

  4. Actually I was hoping you’d recommend something.. I’m lost for a good read ever since “Kite Runner”. I’ve already devoured and hated the new Harry Potter… can’t say I’ve enjoyed “Old man and the sea” and am now reading Shaw plays (he still gives me a good laugh)… ideas???

  5. Bossy, since the kite runner nothing really stimulated me like sa7ar el mougi’s “noon”.
    Bas there are lots of recommendations:
    If you haven’t read bahaa taher’s noktet el nour, then I do think it is a heck of a good read. also tholatheyet ghernata by radwa ashour
    English ba2a:
    – 100 years of solitude “u porbably read it” & love in the time of cholera
    – Ines of my soul
    – The glass castle

  6. Girl you psyhcic? Yeah I have actually.. but willing to give the others a try 🙂
    THANKS! You rock!

  7. hmmmm,already read the kite runner and 100 years of solitude,time to blackmail my sister into getting me a free copy of Sahar’s Noon *de7ka shereera*..or better still,steal her own copy

    Thanks ya Nerro for the recommendation..and Thanks ya Juka for reminding me to read Shaw’s plays once more

  8. Pleasure guys, yalla you recommend books kaman.
    Commander: please add the nerro book club to your to do list ;p

  9. Ah..3andek 7a2,maho ana estak’alt fel blog beta3 Nesrina fa teb2a mesh effective 😦

    7ader,book club..momken netrod sokan el zamalek menha we ne7’alee el zamalek kolaha book club kebeer,eih ra2yek?

  10. la2 estakalt eih bas..rawa2 keda 😀
    Mmmmmmmashi 😀

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