Excerpts from my Violet Diary Book

Jan 13th, 2009. 5:30 pm

Right on the Alexandrian shore; I want to capture this scene with all its associated smells and sounds. Lights blazing along the shore hopelessly competing with a full moon that took its place in the middle of the sky proudly with a faint haze of coyness. Sounds of weak cold waves hitting the semi dry sand softly echoing the friendly laughs and whispers.

Jan 19th, 2009. 11:00 am

Thinking of E; I decided it is not gonna work out. There is something that doesn’t feel right. Money and power intimidates me. I can handle the intellects but that…I can’t compete with, well, I don’t want to compete with. The cut off wasn’t as smooth as I expected. He makes me feel guilty, I hate when this kind of emotional burden yet since I’ve been in his shoes before I can’t complain, I totally understand. I just think the sooner the better. “إذا كان بعض الظن إثم، فبعضه بمفهوم المخالفة حلال” فتحي غانم

Jan 25th, 2009. 8:30 am

Ya 7aram, as a result of pollution and congestion; traffic officers (especially in downtown area and on the 6th of October bridge) have developed sort of a nervous system disease that compells them to move their hands frantically in a notion for drivers to move quickly no matter how blocked the streets are.

Published in: on January 31, 2009 at 11:35 am  Comments (3)  

And we are finally published…Updates


Beautiful day everyone 😀

here are a few updates on the book;

Check out the Marwa Rakha’s detailed review; I loved it 😉

Also, Akhbar El Adab published a thorough review in their latest issue.

The book is now availalbe at the Kotob Khan, Diwan bookstores, and El Shorouk Bookstores.


Nerro, Rateeba & Ensaf (still celebrating)

Published in: on January 28, 2009 at 9:52 am  Comments (9)  

Note to self and to you

” ‘D’you know what happens when you hurt people?’ Ammu said. “When you hurt people, they begin to love you less. That’s what careless words do. They make people love you a little less”

                                         From The God of Little Things – Arundhati Roy

Published in: on January 12, 2009 at 5:24 pm  Comments (9)  

Change the channel – they care enough!

This morning I woke up with the mood of cruising around Heliopolis like the good old days. I asked mama if she wants something, fa she asked for 3eish baladi “awi” as I always like to put it (not that it is baladi awi or anything, it is actually yummi, I just like saying it that way) , I went to the “forn” at Game3 el Fat7, bought the bread and back to the car.

As I started the engine I noticed the garden facing Decorama  “those who are familiar with the vicinity would know what am talking about exactly”, but for those who are not, Decorama is a big furniture store in Game3 El Fat7. The garden has been there forever, but apparently now the old –almost- green patch has undergone a face-lift, all fenced-up in a pretty nice way, and obviously well taken care of.

Fascinated at seeing this, I joyously stopped the engine, walked out of the car and started walking around the garden. At this point I came to find that the owner(s) of Decomara decided to take the responsibility of turning the common garden in front of their premises into a beautiful garden, a pleasant view for passerby’s and residents.  I was really moved by the endeavor and notion.

I personally think there is a message behind this attempt, not only promoting beauty but also to direct people’s attention and let them realize that common areas are not Government’s only responsibility; it is our responsibility as well.  How beautiful our streets could be if each building, store, company or organization took the responsibility of revamping their neighborhood.  I know this sound ancient and kinda repetitive, but believe it or not seeing it happening would get you all up and running, excited at the thought of waking up the next morning having breakfast on your balcony.   Seriously, we are in dire need for some beauty in our streets and neighborhoods.


Published in: on January 1, 2009 at 12:00 pm  Comments (4)  
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