حتة صلصال

ملهاش معالم و لا ملامح…لينة…سهلة التشكيل
ممكن طائر..حيوان…بني ادم…بنت بزعرورتين…أوبياعة فل…
شوية تزعل و شوية تفرح….ليها مليون وش…
محدش ليه عندها حاجة….محدش يقدر يفتح بقه معاها…محدش هيقولها..انتي مجنونة و هوائية
!!لما تتغاظ من حد تعمل هبلة و تنط تخبطه في وشه..لأ و كمان يضحك اللي خاد في وشه
تفضل تلعب و تتشكل علي مزاجها…و لما تزهق…تتكلكع علي نفسها…و تكوّن شكل مالوش معني…و تنام..
و برضه محدش هيقولها…انتي عاملة كدة ليه
ياريتني حتة صلصال!!!!!
Published in: Uncategorized on May 31, 2006 at 9:27 am  Comments (9)  

Creative Writing Courses

Do you know any place here in Cairo that offers creative writing courses????

Published in: on May 30, 2006 at 10:45 am  Comments (18)  

Quick LOOONG Weekend Review

Yep…I treated myself to a long weekend…not only 3ashan am the BIRTHDAY GIRL, but also..coz I figured I would be tired after the Port-Saied trip….fa what’s the point of being super exhausted in my BD!! there is no point.

– I parked in front of a nice bldg…with lots of flags around…yeb2a howa da sonesta..right?? la2…wrong. Never thought this would happen to me…I missed Sonesta?? I spent more than 20 minutes in a wrong place….which I thought it is the right meeting point for the trip…I didn’t even thought about looking at the sign :D…I miraculously made it to the right one though.

Port Saied day was AWESOME…very long walks in an extremely hot day…doesn’t sound cool keda…bas walahi…it was fun..
Lots of seafood….for me it was all about shrimps…shrimps…shrimps…and some “roz a7mar law sama7t” :D.
We took “me3adaya”..to Port-Fouad…I love…love…loved it..the architecture there blew my mind…we walked…some took cabs..3ashan they were mefasfaseen and fatsaneen…can’t blame them ya3ni :D…then back to Port-Said…some went shopping..and we had a nice rest @ a cafe keda…till I realized eno they are having a surprise birthday thingie :D…found that sweet and warm..

– Needless to talk about yesterday 😀

– A friend missed my BD….fa this morning he said eno he wants to make it up w keda…fa since eno I don’t want to forgive him…mesh 3ashan 7aga…but once upon a time 😀 lol 7adouta…la2 seriously..he once gave me a 23 mins lecture about the importance of BDs in his life..and how he hates missing friends BDs w 7arakat….anywayz…people bound to forget things…bas since eno I can’t let him get away with it…fa I said if he managed to get me one of those cotton candy things in a straw…neither the ones in blue and pink bags..nor the ones in tins w keda…he will be forgiven :D….and tab3an he won’t find…

TBC after the meeting 😀

– The meeting was nothing more than another party :)) I really like the idea of being treated as a royality for 3 consecutive days…I feel pampered.

– Finally managed to get done with the Mahmoud Khalil article…don’t really like it…there is something missing…but I just don’t know, what could it be..

– I am still in the hype…and kinda don’t want to get out of it :D…it is cool..

Published in: on May 29, 2006 at 11:32 am  Comments (5)  


Yes…it is official now…I started to say am 28 yrs old as of the begining of this year…while my TWIN sister was holding up to 27….fa it was super confusing to people…how come ya3ni twins and one is 27 and the other is 28 😀
2 Birthday parties till now…details later:D…I love birthday thingies.
KISSES….KISSES…AND MORE KISSES…to everyone who called, smsed, sent an e-greeting…and left a lovely BD comment…..I am a hell of lucky lucky lady.


Published in: on May 28, 2006 at 5:40 pm  Comments (22)  


Never thought being a simple person means being taken lightly, underestimated, and taken for granted. Never mind, it is ok, wala yehemek, matez3alsh, it is always fine, what the heck, mafish mashakel 😀 common words I use..coz I simply think eno as long as my dear ones are ok and in good health…khalas…even if it is the end of the world…khalas…will manage.

People used to give me tips like, don’t be so easy with him, don’t let her feel you are so close, la2 bas ew3i te2ooli kol 7aga…khaliki t2ila!!! never listened…my answer used to be balash habal…My way or the high way..don’t want to admit that they were right..and am wrong. Yet, it is the truth.

A simple person is never Plain, Shallow, or Brainless..stop…think….and..realize…it is a way of living…not most people can enjoy…coz believe it or not…it is hard to attain…it has to come from deep within…lucky is the one who can live a simple life not out of frustration..but out of satisfaction.

And for all who bugged me and indirectly pushed me to write this post…BIG TOZ.

“The happiest heart that ever beat Was in some quiet breast that found the common daylight sweet, And left to heaven the rest”.

Published in: on May 23, 2006 at 2:28 pm  Comments (12)  

A French woman’s wrath…a.k.a Mahmoud Khalil Museum

So he took a young stunning wife and gave birth to a son….she declared war….he died…she didn’t recognize any presumed heir, and rewrote her wil…ensuring that the gigantic palace along with the priceless art collection goes to the government and turned into a public museum…Hence Mr. & Mrs. Mahmoud Khalil museum. Women ;D

Published in: on May 22, 2006 at 12:41 pm  Comments (7)  

Kareem asked??

1- Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as your dinner guest? As your close friend? As your lover?
Dinner guest: I would go for queen Rania of Jordan
Close friend: Barbra Streisand
Lover: …. “it is a secret” 🙂

2- Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by five years to become extremely attractive?
Nah…..not that I am not willing to be extremely attractive..but am good enough to enjoy my life.

3- Would you rather spend a month on vacation with your parents or put in overtime at your current job for four weeks without extra compensation?
I love vacations…and SO not into extra working hours anywayz…so with or without extra compensation..I would go for the vacation with parents 😀

4- When did you last cry by yourself? In front of another person?
Can’t rememeber when I last cried by myself…cried in front of my mother a few weeks ago…

5- If 100 people your age were chosen at random, how many do you think you’d find leading a more satisfying life than yours?
let’s say 20%!!!!

6- If you had the choice of one intimate soul mate and no other close friends, or of no such soul mate and many friends and acquaintances, which would you choose?
I love my friends and all…but right now…I would say a soul mate…yet..I don’t like the idea of “soul mate”…never believed in.

7- Do you think your friends would agree with one another about the kind of person you are?pretty much…yeah!! based on being Friends..coz work mates would differ…so am talking friends here…not acquaintances…and colleagues.

8- Would you prefer to be blind or deaf?
Ba3d el shar…neither isa 😀

9- How many of your friendships have lasted more than ten years? Which of your current friends do you feel will still be important to you ten years from now?
Few ones..yet not as strong coz most of the old friends are married and stuff…so things are never the same, as for the current friends wonderer would be the one.

10- If you could mould to your liking your memories of any past experience, would you do so?seriously…don’t know.

11- Would you be content with a marriage of the highest quality in all respects but one – it completely lacked sex?
Define “highest quality” so I can decide….

12- If you were happily married, and then met someone you felt was certain to always bring you deeply passionate, intoxicating love, would you leave your spouse? What if you had kids?Happily married and looking!!! :D…No…again there’s no point. I don’t usually look out for something that I have.

13- Relative of the population at large? How do you rate your physical attractiveness? Your intelligence? Your personality?
Pretty feminine..yet not so pretty…smart yet simple…sweet yet tough when I need to act like one.

14- If you could script the basic plot for the dream you will have tonight, what would the story be?
A joyfull trip around Eruope with different people..and unexpected threads.

15- While out one day, you are surprised to see your father holding hands with someone who is clearly his lover, he begs you not to say anything to your mother. How would you respond? What if your mother later told you that she was going crazy thinking that your father was having an affair yet knew it was just her imagination?
N/A 😛

16- If you had to spend the next 2 years inside a small but fully provisioned Antarctic shelter with one other person, whom would you like to have with you?
A passionate, witty, smart, warm guy that am totally fond of tab3an..no names…coz this is like impossible to find aslan 😉

17- You become involved romantically but after 6 months realize you need to end the relationship. If you were certain the person would commit suicide if you were to leave and were also certain you could not be happy with the person, what would you do?
Pity thing?!!! I don’t know…

18- What was your most enjoyable dream? Your worst nightmare?
enjoyable dream!!! I don’t dream a lot…and even if I did..i forget my dreams…as for nightmares…I have a remarkable one…was so young though when I had it…it is me in a car that rolled over the 6th Oct bridge into the water…and am counting…didn’t see the car in the water…and don’t know what happened next…but gotta admit..that I used to hate and avoid this bridge for a long time…

19- If by sacrificing your life you could contribute so much to the world you would be honored by all nations, would you be willing to do so? If so, would you make the sacrifice knowing that someone you thoroughly disliked would received that honor while you went unrecognized?
I would do it in the first case only.

20- Would you like your spouse to be both smarter and more attractive than you are?
Smarter is a MUST…..

21- You discover that your wonderful one-year-old child is, because of a mix-up at the hospital, not yours. Would you want to exchange the child to try and correct the mistake?
Depends on when I discovered the mix-up…and on the other parents…

22- When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
I usually sing while driving…singing to others means jeopardizing our relation…whatever it is 😀

23- Which sex do you think has it easier in our culture? Have you ever wished you were of the opposite sex?
I enjoy being a female so much…it is fun..

24- What are your most compulsive habits? Do you regularly struggle to break these habits?
I check the locks…and the main natural gas thingie..every night…and I never thought about breaking these habits..

25- Would you enjoy spending a month of solitude in a beautiful natural setting? Food and shelter would be provided but you would not see another person.
Hell…yeahhhh!!! goes without saying…

26- If you knew you would die of an incurable disease within 3 months, would you allow yourself to be frozen within the week if you knew it would give you a modest chance of being revived in 1,000 years and living a greatly extended life?

27- You are invited to a party that will be attended by many fascinating people you’ve never met. Would you want to go if you had to go by yourself?
Yeah…happened before…I can blend well.

28- If you were at a friend’s house for thanksgiving dinner and you found a dead cockroach in your salad, what would you do?
Throw up!!!!!

29- If someone you love deeply is brutally murdered and you know the identity of the murderer, who unfortunately is acquitted of the crime. Would you seek revenge?
I would…but no blood involved…am a chicken aslan.

Sis, Wonderer, Moon, Maxxed-out, Loulou, Nag, Meaningful lines, Rain, Eve, Nour and Dido…Try this guys if you would like to…it is cool 😀

Published in: on May 22, 2006 at 10:07 am  Comments (9)  


Runnin…running…running!!! where to??? what is it exactly that I want??

Published in: on May 21, 2006 at 12:46 am  Leave a Comment  

Happy Thursday…and many to come :D

Apparently..I lost my mind..or to be more precise..lost my eyesight..just realized that am wearing brown pants…#$%$$%…they were meant to be BLACK!!! Now..am almost hiding under my desk…coz usually…”as if it is a habbit :D”….if you are wearing white shirt…brown pants..and black shoes..you’d better find urself “ta2yet el ekhfa”…and disappear:((

Note to self: seriously…need to go for a new prescription….that’s pathetic..

3 people “including myself” started an E-ruthless blackmail campaign this morning…the story goes like…the 3 of us has the Baladi Party photos….w ma adrak ma el baladi party photos : SWEET….sounds cruel I know….I just couldn’t resist it…”justified evil”

Seeing Amy Fisher..and Mary Jo Buttafuoco…hugging and kissing on national tv…makes me sick..yeah…seriously..it is like you are saying..People..it is always ok for someone to delibertely blow up ur head…and leave you with a half paralyzed face. Just blame it on lots of ecstasy!! Yuuuuuuk

I became addicted to this….mmmmmmmy….never thought Neil Gaiman..would keep an avid journal like this..I just need to get myself away from it for a while…

Mom and her dark thoughts…she is never a dark one…she is more of a very positive energetic person with a constant smile…so 2 consecutive dark thoughts in less than 20 minutes were waaaay too hard for my system to absorb…was intending to write down the whole conversation…but kinda lazy…fa anywayz…the two thoughts were related to “mokhalafet el 7arb”…aroused by a thought of me going to a place keda…and the other was “Thalassemia” el heya Mediterranean Anemia. Oh…ma…no doubt…I inherited my very_fertile_imagination from you.

Mmmmm…eih kaman?? yeah…weekend plans…I have one of those “Walid’s movie assignments” :D…”this is another story to tell later”…my assignment for tonight is Ocean’s Eleven..the 1960 edition…not the so immeasurably charming Clooney and Pitt version “just for the records here…I am praising the guys not the movie”..

Tomorrow morning isa :D…gotta pay a visit to Mahmoud Khalil’s museum….am writing an article about it w keda….think this is gonna be S-O-M-E-T-H-I-N-G. Shiko mentioned yesterday that she wants to do movies…fa will see…depends on how things will go.

Now I go ;D
I am still in last night’s dreamy mood

Published in: on May 18, 2006 at 11:42 pm  Comments (8)  


Just a glimpse from yesterday’s felluca poetry night…
Too much to talk about but am too relaxed to talk….yet gotta go finish some work…

Published in: on May 18, 2006 at 10:10 am  Comments (10)  

Love ur Life!!! “new tag”

Nour asked…why do I love my life??

Well, I love my life coz it is my life…love people, details, experiences…everything about it, it gets ugly sometimes…but still…I tend to love the ugly parts…so I manage to release some negative energy…. and enjoy a little bit of eye wash.

I think I am gripped with the idea of life itself rather than the details though…which might explain why am I totally obsessed with the reincarnation thing.

Life and love and why
Child, adult, then die
All of your hoping and
All of your searching
For what
Ask me for what am I
Living or what gives
Me strength

Published in: on May 16, 2006 at 11:30 am  Comments (7)  

My favourites of Ali Ibn Abi Taleb….

– More wonderful than man himself is that part of his body which is connected with his trunk with muscles. It is his brain (mind). Look what good and bad tendencies arise from it. On the one hand it holds treasures of knowledge and wisdom and on the other it is found to harbor very ugly desires. If a man sees even a tiny gleam of success, then greed forces him to humiliate himself. If he gives way to avarice, then inordinate desires ruin him, if he is disappointed, then despondency almost kills him. If he is excited, then he loses temper and gets angry. If he is pleased, then he gives up precaution. Sudden fear makes him dull and nervous, and he is unable to think and find a way out of the situation. During the times of peace and prosperity he becomes careless and unmindful of the future. If he acquires wealth, then he becomes haughty and arrogant. If he is plunged in distress, then his agitation, impatience and nervousness disgrace him. If he is overtaken by poverty, then he finds himself in a very sad plight, hunger makes him weak, and over-feeding harms him equally. In short every kind of loss and gain makes his mind unbalanced.

– An Angel announces daily: “Birth of more human beings means so many more will die, collection of more wealth means of much more will be destroyed, erection of more buildings means so many more ruins will come”.

– Man is a wonderful creature; he sees through the layers of fat (eyes), hears through a bone (ears) and speaks through a lump of flesh (tongue).

-There is enough light for one who wants to see.

-Hearts have the tendency of likes and dislikes and are liable to be energetic and lethargic, therefore, make them work when they are energetic because if hearts are forced (to do a thing) they will be blinded.

From Nahjul Balagaha (Peak of Eloquence)

Published in: on May 15, 2006 at 10:45 am  Comments (8)  

Nostalgic @ 2 am

“When they ask me what I liked best, I’ll say it was you.”

I recalled this sentence from City of Angels…the movie was on…he asked “what I like best?”…and I said so many things…none of them with “him” included…but he did include me in his list..when I asked the same question.

Side Note:
Nothing irritates me as doing/saying things out of “courtesy”….Gosh…how much I hate that…especially…when things come out lame..and meaningless..it is either you want/willing to do something or not “period”.
I came back almost tearful last night…was disappointed big time….big time…wasn’t something big…but the whole last 20 minutes were totally aggravating…

Another Side Note:
Dear God…turn me into an “unifected” bird …

Published in: on May 13, 2006 at 2:01 am  Comments (4)  


“A not so enthusiastic” yaaay….even without a smilie….don’t know what’s wrong…just SO up to initiating a big fight with someone….need to be seriously provoked…so I can burst, scream, curse and swear “only that I don’t”…today…I feel more like a ticking bomb..count down!!!

Speaking of smilies and stuff…I think emoticons could be life savers at times…I once ran a whole conversation with M using emoticons :D…it was hillarious….he first thought it was habal and decided to quit talking until I get back to my senses…but after a while I got him in…fa he started using those weird audibles.

Day is relatively good….so many things running down at the happy valley…I am just alienating myself from all…..I barely talk…don’t feel like interacting….back to mute…kinda sleepless mood I guess…I am not doing much….full of energy…but drained….can’t figure out how though!!

The past few weeks where of zero productivity….personal wise….didn’t take a single photo…I plan field trips and outings…and I simply don’t go….I don’t feel like reading..or to be more accurate am too lazy to read and think…”big fat stuffed zero”….I wanna cry….just can’t find any grounds!!!!

Don’t think I am gonna let this fat lazy cat mood get into me…will think about an interesting place to go photo-hunt during the weekend.

Mmmm…well… think I would pay a visit to the kotob khan during lunch…wanna get May Khaled’s book..”A last place in Ewart’s hall”…heard about it from so many..anywayz….TBC.

AN’s are being curious about what happened today, they are asking all kinds of coherent and stupid questions….which might lead to silly culture questions…I hate those questions…and I find it hard to answer them…not that the questions are hard…but the way to have to put things out..in order for them to understand.

Tonight is gonna be spectaculor I guess…been to the bookshop…didn’t find May Khaled’s book, although am positive I saw it somewhere there before…but it is ok….I had Galal Amin’s “Whatever happened to the Egyptians” part 1&2…also kaman…I had Ibrahim Eissa’s “maktal el ragol el kabir”….

TBC “yeah…it is a long day”

Updates: 3:54 am
Watching a live Robbie Williams concert…and just right at this moment…the guy blew_me_away…he is singing “My Way”. “Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh”…..I am a fan ever since Take That “the band”….another crack in my heart, could it be magic, babe, holding back the tears…and many many other beautiful songs…Robbie was my favourite in the band…and still my favourite as a solo singer….

So…the night continued quite peacefully…with one long thought provoking phone call with Walid and Ibrahim Eissa’s book…it is quite interesting….I am almost half way thru…although when it comes to arabic books…I am kinda s_l_o_w….

Published in: on May 11, 2006 at 10:34 am  Comments (6)  

I finally found

Someone…… I didn’t…I wish though…just a beautiful Streisand and Bryan Adams song.
Given the kinda emotional person I am…being single is not one of my favourite things in life…”yuk..yuk..yuk”..I mean…I can manage …and I can be happy either with/without someone “not anyone”…but am better off with.

Some girls/ladies I know…would go like…are you nuts?? you shouldn’t say this…it is either they don’t want to admit that a girl needs a guy around her…or it is not that essential…”eno..come on…who needs a guy ya3ni” independence blabla”…or it is a “3eib” issue …I go like…what?? …crap..there is no point here….what’s the problem in telling the world…that I am happier, stornger, and many many other things with “ER” at the end…when with that special “SOMEONE”!!!

I finally found someone, that knocks me off of my feet
I finally found the one, that makes me feel complete
We started over coffee, we started out as friends
It’s funny how from simple things, the best things begin

This time it’s different
It’s all because of you
It’s better than it’s ever been
we can talk it through

Oohh, my favorite line was “Can I call you sometime?”
It’s all you had to say — to take my breath away

This is it, oh, I finally found someone
Someone to share my life
I finally found the one, to be with every night
Cause whatever I do
It’s just got to be you

My life has just begun
I finally found someone, Ooh, someone
I finally found someone…

– “The Art Review distribution is in process! Go to any coffee shop in Cairo, cultural center, Embassy, gallery etc… and grab your free of charge copy of the very first issue of The Art Review – first in Egypt, English language monthly publication aboutARTS. (Issue 1) has finally reached the stands” This is a note we just recieved from the Editor in Chief… Go get your copy…and let me know what do you think. Ana lessa in issue 2 :(..but curious!!

* Too lazy to talk about everything…but here are a few points/notes….that only God knows…well..I know some…why I wrote them in my new tiny pink “bloggable thoughts”-as invented by Nag-note pad …

– Memoirs of a daydreamer (sorta the main idea behind the latest arabic post).

-95.4 morning show….(Mona and the American lady are fighting over Americans being super self involved/concerned).

-I am good with that…(don’t know what is that am good with).

-Make a very dangerous U Turn and get back to where you just came from. (any clue?!!).

-Haven’t we met
You’re some kind of beautiful stranger
You could be good for me
I’ve had the taste for danger

If I’m smart then I’ll run away
But I’m not so I guess I’ll stay
Heaven forbid
I’ll take my chance on a beautiful stranger “Madonna’s Beautiful stranger….mmm :))”

– Endorphin rush !!!!!!!!!!

Published in: on May 10, 2006 at 3:41 pm  Comments (9)